

Friday, September 26, 2008

Online Biz Directory in Project Management

The project Online Business Directory for Lucena City which gives business is means of online advertising and offers the website user convenience in searching certain business.

If you want to visit the lucena biz directory this is the link http://qtechbpo.com/sites/business/.

The Gantt Chart
It is a type of bar chart that illustrate a project schedule, its illustrate the starting and ending dates of all the activities. it is useful in planning and scheduling the project, and to reach the target time.

LucenaBIZ Gantt Chart
The Milestone Chart
A depicts key events along a time scale. It will discuss the end of a stage that marks the completion of a work package or phrase, typically marked by a high level event.

LucenaBIZ Milestone

PERT(Programme Evaluation Review Technique) / CPM (Critical Path Method) are project management technique which have been created out of the need of western industrial and military establishments to plan, schedule and control complex projects.

PERT is a method to analyze the involve task in completing a given project, especially the time needed to complete each task, and identifying the minimun time neededs to complete the total projects.

CPM its calculate the longest path of planned activities till the end of the projects and the earlist and latest time that each activity can start and finish without making the projet longer. This process ddetermines which activities are critical.


The S-Curve
The term S-Curve can also used to indicate an S shaped chart resulting from a cumulative likelihood distribution. In this function, a S-Curve is a tool of quantitative risk analysis which project management would use to determin the possible danger of any given course of action.

The Costing
Is a calculated cost of something the cost has beeen calculated for undertaking a projects.

The Responsibility Matrix
Is for complicated scenarios involving many people, it can be helpul to have a Responsibility Matrix. this helps set expectations and ensures people know what is expected from them.

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